Mailster 4.0

After over a year of research and development, Mailster has now reached the next major release. I’m proud to bring in the next major version of your favorite newsletter builder for WordPress.

What’s new

A lot of fixes and improvements have been made to version 4.0. Most noticeable are the new ways to create forms and popups and how to use them on your site.

Block Forms

In Mailster 4.0, we introduce the third generation of form building for your websites. Creating sign-up forms for your newsletter is a fundamental feature of our newsletter plugin. With the new block editor integration, you can easily craft accessibility-ready forms and popups. These dynamic forms can be seamlessly placed anywhere on your site to enhance user engagement and subscription capabilities.


The second significant update introduces email marketing automation in Mailster. While this feature has been available since version 2.0, Mailster now offers a revamped approach to building customer journeys that is more intuitive and follows your users’ interactions logically.

With Mailster’s enhanced automation capabilities, you can design customer journeys that are triggered in diverse ways. This includes the ability to pause your automation and deliver timely and pertinent information precisely when it matters most in the user’s journey.


With Mailster 4.0 we are rolling out updates to all our templates, starting with our most used ones “Mailster” and “MyMail“.

With the template will focus on accessibility and support for right-to-left languages. (RTL)

Once you have Mailster 4.0 installed you will be prompted to update your templates.

Keep in mind that these new templates require at least Mailster 4!

How to upgrade?

Updates are free for all licensees. If your license has expired you either grab a new one or – if you bought it via Envato and your license has expired – head over to your Envatos download section to get it there.

Other changes

  • Standardized rending of campaigns.
  • Update geo API to use preferred single mmdb file instead of multiple data files
  • Using a native date picker instead of jQuery UI elements
  • Preparation for custom conditions
  • Tags in conditions are now text fields and not dropdowns to make them more flexible.
  • native support forms for Elementor
  • native support forms for DIVI
  • Performance improvements on querying action data from campaigns
  • Performance improvements on data in the wp_options table
  • Improvements in how admin notices are rendered
  • Fully tested for PHP 8.1 (partially tested with PHP 8.2)
  • Autocompletion on conditions
  • Deprecated legacy forms
  • The Newsletter Homepage is now based on blocks and block forms

Please check out the full changelog as well.

Required version

We at EverPress always like to support as many PHP and WordPress versions as possible. This however prevents using some newer features and may introduce unexpected security problems.

Starting with Mailster 4.0 we require to use at least

  • PHP 7.4
  • WordPress 6.2

That said, we always recommend going with the latest WordPress version and the recommended max PHP version from this table (PHP 8.1 for WP 6.3)

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